0:00:03 – Bill de la Cruz

Hi everybody, you’re listening to the Finding the Origination Point podcast. The Origination Point is connected to bias awareness and bias deconstruction, and the Origination Point is the notion that all of our biases, implicit or explicit, have a point in time where they started, where we were given a narrative or had an experience with a small group of people that then we extrapolate to a larger group of people. And the reason why the Origination Point is so important is because that is the point of healing and understanding. So, as we’re deconstructing and making our biases more conscious, the Origination Point supports us in understanding where they came from and healing any emotional impacts that they’re currently having in our lives. So sit back, open your mind, open your heart. Let’s see if we can find your Origination Points to bias. All right, hello everybody. Bill De La Cruz here and you’re listening to the Origination Point podcast. 

We’re starting a new series on what’s called imposter syndrome, and imposter syndrome is a common phenomenon where individuals doubt their abilities and feel like frauds despite evidence of their accomplishments. And what I’ve learned in myself and in working with thousands of people over the years is that, no matter how successful we are, everybody has a time in their life where they felt like they weren’t enough, not good enough, not smart enough. Is it something that I can do? That creates this idea of imposter syndrome, and it’s rooted to our narratives and our beliefs and our mindset about how we see ourselves. And so our next few episodes I have some guests that are going to come on and they’re going to talk about their own limiting narratives and how they have felt imposter syndrome, even though they’re doing the things that really feel like they’re being accomplished in life. 

And so even for myself, as long as I have done the work that I’m sharing with you, there stays when I wonder am I the right person to do this work? Am I going to be successful at it? And for me, those are my limiting narratives. And so we’re just going to have a rousing conversation for a little bit of time and we’re going to go through and talk to my guest, colleen Lindbergh, and she’s going to just share with you a little bit about herself, and then we’re going to jump into a series of questions. So, hi, colleen, great to have you here. How’s it going today out there in Costa Rica? 

0:02:53 – Colleen Lindberg

Bill, life is amazing, like always, and like how could it not be when you live in Costa Rica? Even like yesterday, we had this major thunderstorm in the middle of the day and it was still this beautiful experience. So I’m awesome, I’m just so grateful to be here to share and to like collaborate with you and this energy in connection with imposter syndrome Because I think this is such a pertinent conversation to have that is so running rampant in the earth right now, where a lot of us are feeling this and you know, and we’re still working through it. So I can’t wait to share and lean in today with you. 

0:03:27 – Bill de la Cruz

Awesome. Well, let’s just jump right in. I know I sent you a bunch of questions and I don’t know if we’ll get to all of them, but I’m just going to start and see if you can tell us all about a time when you felt unsure of your abilities or qualifications, even despite your evidence of your success, and maybe before that. If you want to share anything about your journey because I know you’ve had your own challenges and trials, even growing up as a young person, to get to where you are, maybe you can start with that and then we can get into the times when you felt unsure, because sometimes I think that they’re connected to the ways and things that we experienced when we’re young. 

0:04:10 – Colleen Lindberg

Well, and it’s interesting. So, as you know, you went to hit record and you were doing the intro everything for me flows in the moments of time and I dropped into this conversation you were having in the introduction and I went where is this like I’m not enough energy really rooted in me? Because that, that is like the player will say in my game. That is kind of the combat, the one I had to always bust through, the one I still continue to work within. You know, like I’ve got some be hagg goals in my life, will say, are huge intentions for impact and I still come up against this like almost chess pieces. What I’m seeing every single time I step into the ring, you know, to play and it’s rooted when my brother was born, when I was, when I was 15 months apart, so at 15 months old, my brother was this prince that my parents didn’t know they wanted but they ended up having. And I remember this feeling like just literally locked it in while you were doing the intro, that I was always vying for attention and although my mom would like probably debate this with me, but you know we have this energy inside of us that we see perception of the world in a certain way. So at that time and moment in my life I felt like I wasn’t enough. I wasn’t a boy. My dad wanted a boy. I was a girl, I’m the oldest and stepping into that space and if I really look at that, and it showed up a lot in my in my youth, growing up, and I started playing sports because I wanted the attention of my father. 

Not feeling like I was good enough, I started rebelling against things to get attention and literally kind of fast forward through my life when I started working and getting careers. It was the same energy that kept moving through like I want you to see me, I want you to see me and be seen. So I was competitive at work. I was always winning all of the like competitions at work. Like I used to work in the restaurant industry and it’d be like who can sell the most like garlic shrimp things today, and I would sell garlic shrimp all day long and then I would win and everyone would be like, oh, colleen won again and it was it. That was like a mechanism that ran through my field. So starting moving through life that way. It happened in my relationships, it happened with, like you know, in friendships. It happened in all of this different type of thing where I never felt enough or seen in life. I ended up starting my business 14 years ago and it was because I was finally pushed into discovering this. 

I could have stayed under this cloud or guys of energy, but I chose to step in and finally actually go down the route of being seen and then stepping into my power. But I still, for years, battled it. You know, years and years battled it. I’d peak a bit and then I’d drop back down and I’d peak a bit and then I’d drop back down and I was like I thought you saw me or I’d what do you want me to be? And I’d wear all these masks consistently all the time. 

And it came to a point where I couldn’t no longer serve the world in it authentically. The energy was off. It was like almost like the universe or God or divine, whoever you believe in said okay, we’ve had enough watching you, you know, over here in this mess that you’ve created of your life, like we’re ready for you to finally step in and embody this. And then the whole new level came through of like this discovery you know of can I really hold this space? Can I really do this? Am I actually gifted here? Is this what I’m supposed to be doing with my life? And I just kept hearing, like this faint little whisper that just kept saying just let go and keep trusting, just let go and keep trusting and then I started. 

0:07:49 – Bill de la Cruz

yeah, go ahead, yeah that’s really interesting, because when you talk about that whole idea of buying for attention, and so that’s how it manifested in your life, where I’m going to just be competitive and in a workplace it probably worked fine because you were competing against your colleagues for selling stuff. 

But I could see how, in a relationship that might not play out the same, you know with somebody that you’re in relationship with, whether it’s in your family or more friend group or more personal relationship, and in that competitive nature is still a part of it, and I’m going to imagine that it was somewhat of a blind spot at that time, that you may not have been fully aware of the impacts of it, and over time you came to realize that, gosh, this doesn’t really work too well with the people that I really want to be in relationship with, and so it just kind of plays in for people who are listening to understand that the behaviors that we create from some of these limiting narratives or what Colleen’s talking about and wanting to be seen, can also be detrimental at times if we’re not fully aware of their impact. 

So it’s just interesting how even for me they didn’t. My behaviors didn’t just show up in one arena, it was like my whole life. Oh, that’s good, my god. I don’t have any friends and people don’t trust me, and my dad, people just like me and I had to realize that it wasn’t about them, it was about me. 

0:09:34 – Colleen Lindberg

Yeah, this is a powerful one, and it wasn’t okay at work because I was always getting promoted and then I became their boss. So now I’m their boss in some way, shape or form and people don’t want to work with me because I am that. I get it, I understand it, I’m the quickest to do things, I’m the most efficient. What do you mean? You don’t understand this, and what do you mean? That you don’t get this Right? So, like that vibration held. 

But you’re right about try to be in a relationship with someone who is, who is yearning for this to be seen. So I was poking the bear. I was always competitive. Look at me, we can do this better. Why are we doing it like this, questioning life all the time? Like what do you mean? You want to? Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da, like I just I remember one of my relationships. We were together for like four years and I was like we battled so much and I’m like and some people were like, oh, that’s just what it’s like to be in a relationship and now, like the knowledge over here, I’m going dude. That was like not what it’s like to be in a relationship. 

0:10:35 – Bill de la Cruz

That’s what I thought about most of my dysfunctional relationships. Oh yeah, that’s just how relationships are, and then I’m like well, that’s not really true. You don’t have to always be gutting heads with the person that you supposedly are in love with or want to be with, and yeah, that was a wake up call. 

0:10:55 – Colleen Lindberg

Yeah, it’s been an interesting journey, so this is yeah, cool. 

0:10:59 – Bill de la Cruz

How do you handle those kind of situations when you feel overwhelmed by the expectations that are either placed on you or that you place on yourself? Because I imagine maybe you can talk a little bit to how that competitive nature was put upon you, probably in a workplace environment, and said whoever sells the most gets X. And then how did you manifest it and put it upon yourself and what did that create for you in terms of your energy and outcomes? 

0:11:36 – Colleen Lindberg

Yeah. So you would think that, being the best quote unquote would be something that you would gloat around and be in. Now there’s obviously the ego that plays a part of that experience, but it always, for me, felt disconnected and untrue and so it was never satisfying Like it never for the moment. It might be, especially when someone’s really like I’m going to beat you tonight and I’m like, oh yeah, watch me. You know, like now I’m fueled even more right, so now I’m going to play the game. 

But when I laid my head down at night to sleep, it never felt like it was an award. 

It always felt like there was still like a maybe, like a burden in it. 

You know, and because it wasn’t my true essence and that’s the thing that is really like the awareness of it as we talk this through is like it never was who I really am, my. 

I want to light everybody up in their uniqueness and get them to hold that light so strong that they are so in their conviction of who they really are, in that purity, and I want to honor every single one of those people in the world in their purity of light. And if that is my mission which it is that type of energy was so distorted for me and whether I was 17 or 25 or 42, like I am now, it’s still distorted because our mission and light and purpose and our actual true self has been embedded in us since we got into the embryo or we were, you know, birthed into the world. So it felt, it felt disconnected. And that would be the first sign if I was like looking back on it and realizing, if it doesn’t feel juicy or joyful or aligned or even like you can breathe, then there’s a disconnect in that mechanism, that action, the way we show up that way. So it’s like a path right. 

0:13:20 – Bill de la Cruz

Yeah, so. So if you were like coaching somebody who’s listening, because I think that’s really great and I think that what I found in working with people is that for a lot of people, they want to shift something in their practice and don’t always know how. 

So how would you? Because what I heard you say is there’s a, there’s a signal around if something that you’re doing isn’t joyful or doesn’t create your heart to flutter or something. Yeah, so how would you frame that, though, for somebody who’s listening to say here’s a way to increase your awareness around whether you’re living in that limiting narrative or if you’re really living in your goals or the things that you really want to achieve? 

0:14:12 – Colleen Lindberg

Yeah, and this is going to I’m going to move a little bit hokey in this, but this is one of the most powerful like dynamics I could even speak out into the world. A lot of people live in their head, so we think about life, we think about life, we think about life, and the mindset portion that you teach is imperative. But if we’re only living in our head, then we’re actually not connected to life through our heart. So everything lives through the heart, like our mission, our soul, like we call it the Sacred Heart Temple. And if we took a moment in these situations to close our eyes and ground, meaning breathe into our body, get present for a second, like it takes, like a minute to if you’re really strong up, maybe it takes you five, but to breathe and ground into the body and then imagine the heart opening and then asking yourself the question is this my truth? Is this my truth? Is this situation that I’m seeing actually the way that it is, or is it something else? And if it’s feeling off and ask the question okay, is there something different for me? And when we actually quiet our mind, we’re gonna get answers. And when we open up our heart, we’re connected into the purity of our soul, a purity of our heart, like our actual purpose here on life. 

And it’s sometimes like people say to me and they bug me most. I went to one clients especially when I get them in programs together, they make fun of me all the time. They’re like Colleen’s just gonna say, drop into your heart to get the answer. And I’m like guys like that is where the answer is. You know, like I’m not, like this isn’t a hokey thing, like if we can learn as humanity to drop in there and to move within that beat, the game changes. It really does. Yeah. 

0:15:48 – Bill de la Cruz

And I agree with you and for those of you listening, what you just heard an answer to is how do you manage internal dialogue and self-talk when you start feeling like an imposter? And it’s really true, the idea of being conscious of your mindset is a bridge or a pathway to be able to move out of your head and into your heart, because the emotional, the emotionality that we have as human beings, your intuition a lot of people don’t really trust it or even aware of it, and when you move from your head to your heart, you start to feel the answers that you get in your life and some will feel like, oh yeah, this is on the path, and some will feel like not really feeling this, and yet you might do that anyway, and then wonder why it all went to explode in a way that you didn’t want. It’s because you didn’t trust your intuition. So I think that’s what I’m hearing Colleen say is be aware of your mindset, move into your heart, and then the part I would add is then trust your intuition. 

0:16:53 – Colleen Lindberg

Yeah, yeah. And sometimes it’s like the answers we get are like our brain can’t fathom right and it’s out there for us, or we’re like are you sure that’s it? You know, and we doubt it. I’ve had so many experiences over the years, you know. I remember and I always tell the story when I was 19, on a road trip with girlfriends, we drove to Edmonton, parked our car for the night at this hotel and something said to me before we left to go out that night I’m 19, obviously we’re going to go find a bar in Edmonton. Like that’s what we used to do, especially 20 years ago, like that was a thing you know. And something said to me you need to empty out your stuff from the car. When I was like, oh, it’ll be fine, like dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, you know, and whatever. That’s the energy I got. We come back from the bar three o’clock in the morning. Everything’s cool, car’s still there. Kosher wake up in the morning, the car’s gone. 

Now doing a little bit of research, edmonton has a lot of chop shops and it’s really well known for anyone that has outside plates that your car will be stolen in Edmonton. So I had a bunch of stuff. My favorite boots were in the car. You know like all the things when you’re 19 that were important. 

So now we’re stranded on a road trip in Edmonton at a hotel that my dad’s like client owns and all this stuff, and you know we didn’t have the ample amounts of money that I wish I would have had at 19. So we had to call our parents can you buy us flights home? Because we wanted to use all the cash we had. And then parties spend money at the Edmonton Mall, and you know all the things when you’re a 19 year old in life. But I remember that so potently that my intuition picked up and said you should, because it was already inevitable that that situation was going to happen, apparently, and my job was to listen so that I could have a control piece, let’s say, in this mechanism. They didn’t get all the stuff that was in the car or whatever. It was right. So yeah, I remember that powerfully, that story. 

0:18:44 – Bill de la Cruz

Well, I think you bring up another really good point of awareness in my belief is that my life is already predetermined. 

Path of my journey on the planet in this body called Bill is already predetermined, and the biggest struggles that I’ve had have been when I want it to be in control, right. 

So I know what I have to do, and 90% of those control choices were incorrect and led me down a path that was at first I got really angry and played the victim and then started to learn the lessons from it and then finally just let go and said, okay, so whatever experiences you have for me in my day, I’m just gonna pick and choose the ones that feel right and that’s how I live now, and so the things that are happening I know are meant to be, and I’m more present, I guess, in that, and so I think that you’re bringing that up just by telling that story. Is that like I had this intuitive feeling and I didn’t really trust it and in some way it was already predetermined that your car was gonna get stolen and you were gonna have to call your parents and you even thought about it, but then you like, ah, screw it, let’s go out and drink. 

0:20:13 – Colleen Lindberg

Yeah, let’s go have a good time. Well, and it’s interesting too. So just for those because this relates to imposter syndrome like if something is dropping into your field and in your awareness and you’re being called forward, like I call it like listening to the whisper to launch that business, to make that call to whatever it is, do that product, invest in that thing, and you feel it at the core of you and it’s moving through you. It means it’s part of your mission or purpose here in life. And if we are sitting here in the imposter side going, I can’t hold that, I can’t do that Like I, if I chose to go down a pathway, not believing that I was a channeler and I can do psychic work, then I wouldn’t be where I am today, like I wouldn’t be in alignment, I wouldn’t be serving people the way I can in the potency and power that I’m meant to help accelerate through the earth. But if I let the conversations of all those beliefs flood me from actually stepping into that pathway that’s been calling me, then we’re actually just like you said. 

You know we go down. I call it the narrow, winding roads. I know I’m gonna get out and I know I’m gonna get there eventually, but I’m taking the long route. That’s a lot more complicated than I need, you know, and most of my life I was like look at how I struggled to get here. Now I’m like I do not need any more struggle t-shirts. Okay, I got more than enough. 

0:21:32 – Bill de la Cruz

Like I’m like I got like Any more struggle points. I can still obtain my goals. 

0:21:39 – Colleen Lindberg


0:21:40 – Bill de la Cruz

So let me shift a little bit and talk to you about this question. Have you ever compared yourself to others and felt like you didn’t measure up? And if that’s happened to you, how did you handle those feelings? So a lot of what we’ve been talking about is more internalized. Now I wanna kind of externalize it and have you think about what’s happened when you’ve compared yourself. I know I have stories I’d love to hear your some from you first though. 

0:22:09 – Colleen Lindberg

Yeah, well, last year, like this is a relevant one, like this is like still, it still triggers me a little bit. Okay, so last year I joined a membership group with a mentor that was running this group and I was watching her in the group and she was very surface level in the group, meaning she didn’t dive deep, she didn’t get to the root of things, she wasn’t, and it was all like airy fairy, like, and when I serve a collective of energy, I’m all in, like let’s get to the root, let’s get to the bottom edge, let’s get in it, let’s talk about the deep stuff, like let’s work through this, let’s get it out so you can fully step in and embody. And she makes double what I make a month in income. And I was like, oh my God, this woman is like she teaches like this and she doesn’t even help people really, and she’s got all these people paying X amount a month. And who is she? 

And it triggered me, meaning I was like, oh my God, like it was like a reflection. Now you could take this twofold. My ego picks up and you know I step into that space first to go. Okay, I’m honoring it. I call up a friend and I’m like like venting it off and then I went okay, let’s calm down. What does this actually really mean? 

0:23:19 – Bill de la Cruz

So just to be really clear, what you’re, what you’re really talking about is not where you didn’t feel like you measured up. It’s more of where you thought you were better than them. 

0:23:29 – Colleen Lindberg

Yeah, and. 

Yeah technically the world like, pays her more a month, so technically she, by the equivalent of money, does better than me. Yeah, yeah, and I’m like why am I not making this kind of income with the potency that I can create? Like that’s really what the energy was coming in and and like when I finally so I, I have a lot of awareness, like just like we had talked about before we hit record, like I’ve done a lot of work on myself, like I’ve been in personal development world now for almost 20 years. Like I picked up my first Personal development book rich dad poured at at the age of 23,. Right, like I was like in this world for a long time. So I’ve done a lot of work. 

Some of it was surface level and that’s why I got triggered by this whole experience too was like remember all those times that you wouldn’t go deep into the work, that you Just were like scooting by Until you hit this major wall and then you were forced down in because you had to go do the work, to go Find the route, to go find the bias, to go pull it out right. 

So that came into awareness through this ill experience and also the possibility of like this is actually possible For you. And it mirrored almost that back going, if I look at it from the actual other side, going Wow, she’s showing me that there’s possibility, and not that I didn’t know that there was, but it was like a reflection almost back to me in that. And then I was like well, what is she doing differently that I’m not doing? Oh, she shows up every day, meaning like she’s on her Instagram account at least twice a day, putting out content, all the time talking about stuff. She maybe has 24 to 30 stories a day Up in her Instagram and some people would be like that’s overwhelming, but I’m like she’s showing up when have you been? You know, I’m like well, I was kind of on my mind vacation last week on my couch reading a novel, yeah, but not three months out of the quarter. 

0:25:30 – Bill de la Cruz

Get into this comparative mindset around Around anything, around People who are doing similar work, or people who are doing similar work making more money, or people who are doing similar work and really Dehumanizing people. I worked with a group yesterday and there was a white male there and we had talked about how some people go in to these spaces and actually His experience was the facilitator said you are the problem because you’re a white male, and and and he was so appreciative of the approach that I shared with their team Because we just talked about how do your biases show up when we really work to normalize the conversations. And so you know this whole idea of comparing, because I’ve done that too. 

I look at people who charge more and I’m like well, are my, are my needs met? Yeah, they are. Could I charge more? Probably, and for some people I do and some people I don’t. And and I think that’s that’s another part of that imposter syndrome is that whole comparative idea that people have where See somebody and you know, am I, are they better than me, and I, am I better than them? Versus they’re living their life and I’m living mine and yeah, I, I Take that energy out of thinking about who’s better, or who’s got more. I could take all that energy and put it into just achieving my path, whatever that is. 

Exactly we all only have limited, limited amounts of energy. So what steps do you take to remind yourself of your accomplishments and strengths? What is that you do? 

0:27:17 – Colleen Lindberg

Yeah, well, because I live in flow, like every day, like literally, I live in flow. It’s about the energy of the people. So you know, I’m obviously connected to people that are in programs and masterclasses of mine and one-to-one clients, and I’m following them on their social feeds and stuff and when I feel them show up so I use the word feel on purpose because everything I do is working in energy when I feel them show up in a certain way and I’m getting voice notes in where they move stuff through and stuff, like that’s really the Player for me, and we’ll call it or the energy for me is that people are moving, people’s helping other people get results. Because, like, I’m not in charge of everyone, right, I’m in charge of whatever. Select a few that Contracted out with me before I jumped into this body to say you’re in charge of this for us and I’m like okay, so now I’m finding them, like where are they in the world, you know, and finding them and lighting that light. So I’m in charge of their light and holding that. 

So the really biggest thing for me is in it’s in the pudding, right, it’s in them stepping into the space. Now I can’t do the work for them. So I’m in very much awareness of that too, where they’re going through their stuff I I could pull them out of the darkness, but I can’t go in to pull the route for them. They’ve got to do the work themselves right and moving that through. But the pulse point really for me is are people maneuvering, are they lighting stuff up? Are they moving in the pathway that their heart is desiring them to move? And that’s the real checkpoint for me. Like I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t say there’s anything else I have. I have girlfriends of mine that are all about statistics and they’re like 11,000 people went to my website this month and I was like I don’t care about any of that part, you know like. So for me it’s literally about that movement of energy in the world. 

0:29:02 – Bill de la Cruz

So that’s, that’s a lot, and so so how would you, how do you support people to be able to tap into that energy if they’re so rooted in? I’m not enough, I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough, whatever it is, you know, everybody’s Limiting narrative around that imposter syndrome is so varied yeah, what’s, what are, what are? You’re like, you. You could Try to do this on your own. Or have you ever sought guidance or support from Mentors, colleagues, support groups? You know someone that trusted friend, and and how has that helped you? Because, as we’re kind of Getting to the end of our conversation, it’d be great if you could share some tips and ideas that have supported you, or some of your clients that you work with, in moving this idea from head to heart and and shifting, or or becoming more aware of your limiting narratives. 

0:30:05 – Colleen Lindberg

Yeah, like I have this conversation often because it’s such a big key thing. Right, it’s. We are the block moving us through this life. We are it, whether we got it from our parents or environments or wherever we pulled it from. We’ve owned it and taken ownership of it and it’s here. 

And the main thing that would be the first pulse point I would call it that we would work within is Dropping into the purity of who you are and really asking yourself Is this my truth? Is it my truth that I’m not really enough? And you’re gonna hear no, okay. Well, that’s not my truth. And what really is my truth? And now we start to work in this curious energy of going out to discover what this actually looks like from the lens of what might it be, instead of from the lens of I’m not enough to hold, you know. So, like I do that through a couple of different sessions and different ways, in the way that I work with clients, but for for the people out there listening that are like I really kind of want to discover this in me or move it through, I would ask you this question, like you know, if, if it could be easy for you, what would it look like you know and what do you feel is your truth at this moment of time, and you may know one thing, which is perfect because then you can move through this one thing you know one of the biggest transitions I had was 15 years ago when I was leaving one of my relationships. 

Obviously I was leaving that because apparently I was competitive and I had a mentor. Sit me down one day and he goes what do you want? And I go and I had no idea. No idea what I wanted. And for three hours at a Tim Hortons up in Canada he kept asking me the same question for three hours and by the time we were done after that three-hour session, I walked back home knowing one thing that I didn’t want to be with my ex-boyfriend, and that was all I knew. And that one decision then started to open up this ripple effect of other things that then started leading me down a pathway. But it was the one thing that I knew. 

And I still have mentors, I still take programs, I still do Spiritual circles by other mentors like I. I work within four different collectives. Right now I have a one-to-one coach and I’m 14 years in. You know Like I am on a discovery of a journey, and I don’t think we ever stop and we’ll get to the next level. And now, all of a sudden, we’re like, okay, now, where are we right? And now we get to rediscover life again at this next level and this new vibration, and yeah, I, I Should. Could I do some stuff alone? Yeah, I could have for sure. But I, you know, as you know, I’m still a little bit competitive, especially if you ever play sports against me or cards sorry, I’m gonna own that but like I yeah yeah, I want the easy and quickest way. 

Get me there the fastest way. I’ve already been through enough of the like longer roads and and I’m like so if that mentor can help me accelerate it or help Me dismantle this quicker or take me into the depths of the shadow within me so I can go find where this is, I’m all in. And is it easy? No, some days it’s like you want to pull your teeth out and to sleep all day long and not have to deal with it. But when we get to the other side of it all, it’s where the magic I call it the magic starts to happen, and then you understand why, why you had to do the work, why you had to go there. 

0:33:20 – Bill de la Cruz

So, yeah, yeah, great Insights. You know a few things. I heard it for folks who are listening as you drop into your Narrative about imposter syndrome or being not being enough is you know what is your path, what is it that you want? And I think the other thing I heard really clear from you, colleague, is that Just do one thing at a time, because change is really Magnanimous and can be overwhelming. And so Just figure out one thing that you really want to change, one limiting narrative. 

And what I would add to what Colleen has shared is that Write your limiting narrative down, put it on a post-it and then write your growth narrative that counters that, and Everywhere on your phone in your car, and every time that because For most of us we don’t have to remember our limiting narrative because it’s embedded in our psyche what we have to remember is our growth narrative, and so Narrative that you ship first then helps you to drop into your heart, and so. So this has just been such a wonderful conversation and just for the last Things want to ask you. Number one is any other Insights you want to share with our listeners? And then how can people find you if they want to have more of a conversation with you? And then we’ll wrap things up. 

0:34:48 – Colleen Lindberg

Yeah, I Love to leave with like a breath of fresh air, like that’s kind of what my objective always is in life and like how can I leave scenarios, relationships, podcasts, you know, interviews, all of that with with the breath. So I want to, if you feel this, take it from me. But I want to breathe this into you is that you are a beautiful being of light on this world and you matter. You matter in all the pulses, in all the rhythms and all the beats of your heart and your vibration, and it’s time for us to really start to own that and step into that, because there’s other people in the world that are Desiring for you to do that, meaning your light is going to help them step into their light. So, just start trusting the process and start trusting yourself. If you’re Getting the downloads coming into you to start a company or to move this through or to do something or make that change, start taking the small steps to do that, because you don’t know what life actually is until you live in this alignment. So, yeah, great. 

0:35:47 – Bill de la Cruz

Yeah, how do you, find out if they want to talk to you more. 

0:35:51 – Colleen Lindberg

Well, bill, instagram is my jam, like I said to you. You know, and you asked me for my website. I’m kind of like anti website person over here, so I love Instagram. I have a bold brand and just letting everybody know. So if you come to my Instagram, just be prepared for bold conversations that happen on my Instagram. But you can DM me there. You can connect with me. If you have questions about anything I talked about today Would love to hear from you. I I’m in my DMs a lot, so I’ll focus about your podcast also. 

Yeah, so I have a podcast called the light warriors unleashed podcast. So this podcast is about, like we talk about spiritual, like spirituality, all the things you know in this mechanism of like being able to move through truth into the world and we collapse the narrative around a whole bunch of stuff. So, yeah, it’s good. 

0:36:40 – Bill de la Cruz

All right, y’all, you’ve been listening to Colleen Limburg intuitive business coach, passionate speaker, channeler, trainer, facilitator, consultant, author, mentor, spiritual guide and she has been so gracious to share with us her own journey and story about imposter syndrome and limiting narrative. So You’re listening to the origination point podcast and if this resonates with you, subscribe, like us share it. And this is a series. And if you have a story that you want to share around imposter syndrome, reach out to us at Contact, at daily cruise solutions, calm, and we’d love to put your story on one of our podcasts. So, thank you, enjoy the day, and I also like quotes. I heard that you liked quotes as well, colleen, so I’m gonna end with a bernet Brown quote, which I really love is true, belonging doesn’t require that we change who we are. It requires that we be who we are and so so be everything that you were ever meant to be and Live your dreams and just keep growing. So thanks everybody. Have a great day Wherever you are in the world. 

0:38:15 – Outro

You’ve been listening to the origination point podcast with your host, bill Dayla Cruz. If you find the content compelling, please share, subscribe and continue listening, as you are the reason why this is so important to us. You can also reach out to us on our website at wwwdaylacruesolutionscom. If you have a question or comment, or maybe you have a compelling story to share, please reach out to us and let us know about anything you are interested in or that you think would be helpful as you continue on your own personal growth journey, and we really appreciate you being a part of our why and our dream, which is to create a more humane world and, most importantly, keep growing. Thanks again for listening to the origination point podcast and we will see you in the next episode.